Monday, October 16, 2006

Sweater Knitting

It's apparently that time of my life when all of my friends decide they want to be parents. I know 10 people who are having babies either later this year, or early next. So, that means alot of knitting for babies on my end. I started this sweater last week. It's my first real sweater attempt. I'm not doing very well on the armhole decreases. But, I'm hoping my friend will understand. I'm also hoping that when I attach the arms to the body of the sweater, everything will work out and not look stupid. Anyway, here's a picture of what it's supposed to look like. I'm knitting it in orange. They don't know if it's a boy or a girl, and I figure they'll get enough green clothes.

I will have it finished by Sunday, even if that means not getting any sleep this week. So far, the back, left, and 1/3 of the right sides are finished.

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