Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sheep and Wool Festival

Next weekend is the annual sheep and wool festival at the Howard County Fairgrounds. Admission is free. But, that's because you'll spend your week's income on yarn there. If you're into knitting, or think you could be, this is where you'll want to be next weekend.

As for me, I'll just be purchasing one skein of this uber luxurious stuff I've been thinking about since last year. And this wonderful yarn spun in Norisville, MD. And hopefully, that will be all.

Llamas will be present!

See you there.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Can I tell you my depression that I will be out of town for this AND THE MT VERNON FLOWER MART?!?!?!?!?! Out of all the weekends in the world I have family obligations that I can't get out of.

Erika told me about this Wednesday and I was devestated.

i did buy freshly spun wool in Italy though if that counts for anything..