Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Search is Over!

After a multi-week search for Carnival Skittles, I finally found them! They are at the CVS in Olney, MD (off Route 108). I was almost convinced these were a candy myth. They are tasty (especially the red licorice and cotton candy ones)

For your information, the following locations DO NOT have carnival skittles:

7-11 in Olney, Jarrettsville, Route 40 in Ellicott City
Rite Aid in Ellicott City, Olney
Sheets in Frederick and Burkittsville
Nashville International Airport
Circle K near the airport in Nashville
BWI Airport
Giant in Columbia
Safeway in Ellicott City and Columbia
Wegmans in Hunt Valley
High's in Jarrettsville

I'm sure there are other places I looked for these candies, but I can't remember them all.

I also snagged a pack of the Retro Starburst, but I'm waiting until later tonight to eat those.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reminds me a bit of Chris' and my search this weekend for Chocolate Twizzlers. Still haven't found them...